Thursday, September 20, 2007

HW 9: Cyber Support

After reading Ayelet Waldman's "A Weblog Saved my Life Last Night" I had more of an understanding of why women like Waldman spend their time blogging and not pertaining to their duties of being a mother and supporting a family. Waldman was blogging and following an infertility and miscarriage weblog where the women that Waldman communicates with share their stories and open up to each other. Although not all of the women have experienced these problems, they are still showing showing a great deal of support and emotional understanding. Waldman is an author of six books, yet finds blogging "perfect" for herself. Waldman's theory of the blogosphere is extremely useful because it sheds insight on the difficult problem of genetic termination, miscarriages, and other birth problems that Waldman could relate to. The blogosphere gives these women from all around the world the opportunity to share and respond to each other, without the chance of running into them the next day at the local grocery store. I find appreciation in these women for the sense of support that they give, yet I believe that there is a line that needs to be drawn when revealing too much about yourself. Waldman blogged about her husband, her children, her sex life, all the way to her depression. Though she was undergoing a mild form of bipolar disorder, she should have seeked professional help. I found Waldman particularly lucky when she was in the position of nearly killing herself after having a suicidal reaction to one of her antidepressant drugs she was on. It was late at night, her husband was out of town, and she had no one to turn to. After blogging about her suicidal feelings, an immediate response was given from her friend in Israel, who knew Waldman was serious. If it was not for her fellow blogger, she may have not been stopped that night. Fortunately, the blogosphere has clearly proved in this circumstance that there are people out there who will listen, understand, and help you in any kind of condition.


Tracy Mendham said...

Is this HW 9?

Alicia said...

yes, sorry! i changed it to HW 9

Tracy Mendham said...

This post's ending is particularly nice.
What is Waldman's theory of the blogosphere? Is that what you're describing in the sentence after the one in colored text?